Alicia Carner-McDonald
289 Jonesboro Road; Suite 198
McDonough, GA 30253

Alicia Carner McDonald

Over 15 years experience in organizational management

Carner McDonald Consulting LLC’s purpose or mission is to provide the best customer and consulting services to organizations, helping them to set a standard as well as coexist with other businesses in the same industry.  It is our goal to help clients meet and exceed their full potential.  We will implement systematic changes in areas of concern.  CMC’s vision is to help organizations become more organized and reach their highest level of potential.

Designed to Assist Churches & Small Businesses

  •  Organizing the daily routines

  • Enhancing ministry needs and performance

  • Christian Education

  • Worship & Arts

  • Build upon existing ministries or create new ones according requirements 



CMC  has qualified, trained, and experienced professionals that can help jumpstart the organization or ministries from a different approach.